Terms of use
- The forest and the trails are prohibited for motorized vehicles (motorcycles, quads, etc.)
- The trailcenter had been designed and built with the idea of harmonizing the cohabitation between riders & walkers
- Always control your speed and your bike in order to be able to slow down in front of an unpredictable obstacle (pedestrian, fallen biker, fallen tree,…)
- Children under 12 years old must be supervised by an adult
- Remain exclusively on the official trails
- The helmet is mandatory and personal protective equipment is strongly recommended
- A mountain bike in perfect working order is essential
- Control your speed at all times
- At the start (bottom) of the trailcenter, a panel provides you the level of difficulty of all tracks. Ride according to your abilities and physical condition.
- Respect others, always give priority to the person in front of you and respectfully inform them of your presence (bike bell, vocal warning,…)
- Respect the trails, avoid unnecessary braking, do not cut off corners, and follow the indications
- Keep your trash with you. Never throw them in the forest
- Avoid excessive & inappropriate noise
- Do not modify the trail! Any suggestion is welcome to improve the trailcenter, shapers are willings for new ideas (whenever possible). Find the contacts here below.
- You ride the trailcenter at your own risk. The owner and the association endurando.be decline all responsibility in the event of an accident
- In case of accident, call 112
Photo and video recordings (excluding action cameras) and, in general, any professional/commercial use of the grounds must be approved by the owner: SPW/DNF – Cantonnement de Spa: 087/29 90 80 or by e-mail: spa.cantonnement.dnf.dgarne@spw.wallonie.be